The Brief Affair at the Sports Complex

Archit was almost overpowered by sleep as he walked slowly to his washroom, angry at Deepak for waking him up at 5:30 am in the morning.

“I did not take a leave from school to wake up early!”

“Shut up and come quickly, the badminton courts are almost empty today. We are waiting yaar.”

Sighing, Archit had pulled himself up from the bed, gotten ready in a hurry and left for the sports complex, expecting it to be a rather dull beginning to the Thursday.

After exchanging pleasantries with his friends and getting warmed up a little, Archit began to feel much better and his body ached for the exercise. He went into action straight away.

For him, playing sports had more to do than just recreation. It was an amazing stress buster, and no matter what, it always helped him cheer up. Because of that, he would never refuse an invitation to play, be it anything. Sports gave him the much needed break, and apart from the work out, he felt much lighter and happier after a game.

After a few matches, Archit decided to take a break and sat down on the seat near the court, enjoying the game between his friends. As he looked around, he noticed that some of the courts were now taken.

Secretly looking for a familiar face, a smile danced on his lips as he recognized one of the players, Anjali.

Anjali, a regular to the complex, played badminton beautifully, and Archit had always been in awe of her game. A very fit individual, Anjali was one of the best players of Archit’s age that he had seen in action.

However, she had no clue of Archit’s existence. She was very popular among the other regulars, and by far Archit had no opportunity to let her know about him, so he had adopted to silently observing her.

Not wanting to let go of this golden chance, he decided to introduce himself to Anjali.

As it turned out, Anjali not only knew about Archit, but expressed great admiration for him. And while she talked about how she would love to play with him, Archit could only stand there and blush.